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                                        Best Crypto Investments Tips

Best Crypto Investments Tips

12 Nov 2021
Reading Time: 10 minutes

Tips To Shine In Crypto Market     

The golden rule to financial freedom is to find passive income, which is why it’s highly recommended to put part of your savings into investments. When done right, these can generate massive profits over time, even with little effort.

The recent Bitcoin evolution has pushed the Bitcoin price to all-time highs, breaking past its 3-year record of $20,000. This development has been beneficial for not only BTC but also the rest of the cryptocurrency market. With more mainstream acceptance for coins, they’re projected to garner higher returns over the next few years. Take a look at the Ethereum price prediction and Cardano price prediction, which are expected to make a bullish comeback.     

The Opportunity has brought new traders into the cryptocurrency sphere. Luckily, crypto technology has advanced enough to make it easy to buy and track your desired cryptocurrency and find information on cryptocurrency trading with thousands of blogs and videos available online.

Here, we share some cryptocurrency investment tips and other crypto trading tips to help you navigate your way in this new world of blockchain-powered investments.    

1. Tracking volume fluctuation in cryptocurrency     

Day trading cryptocurrency can feel a lot like high-risk stock trading as the market is extremely volatile, and the altcoin and Bitcoin price can change at the drop of a hat. That’s why one of the essential crypto trading strategies is to keep up with your coins by tracking their respective markets.     

It’ll give you leverage over making short-term buying and selling decisions, which may result in a quick profit. But if you’re looking into the long-term (which is ideal for most coins),  keeping track of a coin’s historical data and value milestones will be important for making trading decisions later on.     

2. Read Articles and News About Cryptocurrency

Knowledge is power, and it’s essential to be up to date with what’s happening in the crypto sphere. That means regularly checking for cryptocurrency-related news–especially those that can significantly influence a token's price. For instance, if a major institutional investor announces their decision to invest in a coin, its value may increase within days. Capitalizing on small details that others may have missed could be your claim-to-fame–but be wary and filter for the right information.    

3. Go in With Realistic Expectations

A lot of people go into investments with wide eyes and unrealistic expectations of making millions. While it’s good to have expectations, this is counter-intuitive as all investments come with risks. It’s impossible to trade cryptocurrency without understanding that the market is new and unexpected. While stock analysts are getting better and better at predicting returns down to the cent, the Bitcoin price prediction won’t always have the same level of accuracy–for now.     

Hence, it is best to go into Bitcoin day trading knowing there’s a chance you won’t make a profit. Investing is a lot like gambling, and anything can happen out of your control to make the scales go against you. One of our best cryptocurrency investment tips is to always be wary of this risk and manage your funds accordingly, so you don’t lose a lot of money on a single failure.     

4. Only Buy Cryptocurrency from Trusted Websites

There are plenty of cryptocurrency brokers and exchanges, and while there are some great ones such as Coinbase, there are also some that are sketchy and untrustworthy. It’s easy to get swept away by too-good-to-be-true offers, such as the idea of purchasing coins without a transaction fee or being able to earn more crypto through holding. Stories of people who have been scammed aren’t rare, so it’s important to do your research and choose a trustworthy trading website.     

Investing in cryptocurrency can be daunting, but it’s ultimately extremely rewarding once profit starts to roll in. This cryptocurrency trading guide covers basic tips for you to carry along your journey–but continue expanding your knowledge so you can make even bigger trading decisions. If you want to track your chosen crypto, you can monitor its progress using our main page and see how it is fairing against every other crypto on the market.

Quick Guide for Crypto Investments

Quick Guide for Crypto Investments

Looking ahead in the future is something we are told. We should do it so we can plan ahead and shape what our lives will be like in the next 10-20 years. This is easier to say than to do it, as there are so many factors that could affect our plans. A prime example would be the current COVID situation, and I doubt anyone thought the world would be shut down by a virus back in 2010.

If we want to plan for our future, we need to have some safety protocols in a place like a “break glass in case of emergency” but how do we do this?

The best way to plan for something like this is to have some money stored away. We can use that stored money in the event that we lose our jobs or our business. You also need to think about a possible recession, similar to America in 2009. To avoid both of these happening, we suggest investing in cryptocurrency. Even if you are new to this, don’t worry we will cover a few important Cryptocurrency Investment Tips for you to understand.

Cryptocurrency is meant to be a decentralized currency, so it won't drop in value if our economy does suffer a blow (unless it was a stablecoin like Tether which is linked to the US dollar).

If you are new to the world of cryptocurrency investments, then here is a quick guide to get you started.

What you need

A wallet

crypto wallet is a piece of software that you use to store any cryptocurrency you buy.

A computer or phone

You can use websites or "exchanges" to buy your crypto, or you can use phone apps that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store for Android and App Store for iPhone.

Knowledge of cryptocurrency     

You need to educate yourself about cryptocurrency, which will help you decide when is the best time to buy and sell your crypto to maximize your profit.

Once you have these, you are ready to go.

Cryptocurrency is just like any other investment and may take some time to see any kind of profit. So, it's perfect for someone who works long hours and wants to invest but doesn't have time to be fully involved. Investing in something that isn't physical requires almost zero maintenance.  Unlike if you invested in a piece of property, the situation would be the complete opposite.

Keep in mind though that while some people have made decent money from trading cryptocurrency, an equal amount have lost money due to investing in the wrong crypto at the wrong time. Our advice is to read up on these disaster stories and learn from their mistakes. Use their experience as a road map to avoid any of the pitfalls they fell into. The last thing you need to do is make sure you track your cryptocurrencies price daily as they tend to change quite rapidly.

Final Thoughts     

Finally, you must realize that successful investing takes a great deal of care; this is not a game and should never be one. In addition to the aforementioned investing suggestions, make sure that you keep a special focus to demand and supply market dynamics so that you can understand when this or those suggestions apply. Every point of this writing needs to be internalized and the logic behind it understandable.

Ronnie A. Rahman

Written by Ronnie A. Rahman
on 12 Nov 2021

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