6 Reasons You Should Invest in Cryptocurrency this 2020
Are you contemplating how Cryptocurrencies can work for you?
Most people in the world still haven’t invested in Cryptocurrency. There are multiple media platforms and celebrities sharing their perspective on Cryptocurrencies. Everyone seems to have an opinion, educated or not. For most people, it is merely an interesting conversational point rather than something they are ready to make an educated decision and invest in. However, there is no better time than right now to learn what is required to understand this Digital Technology and make the switch.
General consensus on the definition of cryptocurrency states that it is a digital investment tool to be used as a supplement to traditional wealth and income generation alternatives such as stocks, bonds and many other financial platforms. Still, only 3% of the global population are trading in cryptocurrency. Digital Currency may be perceived as risky to invest in due to the fluctuating nature of its pricing. As anyone who plays in the Stock Market is aware, anything one can invest in is subject to these rules and Cryptocurrency is no exception. In this article, we are going to share the positive factors that should prompt you to consider trading with cryptocurrency.
- Low Barrier to entry - Contrary to many financial investment tools, you do not need to have a copious amount of capital to invest in cryptocurrency, which makes crypto more accessible to the public in contrast to its counterparts in the trading world.
- Very lucrative at times - although risky, but the price fluctuation factor inherent in every cryptocurrency causing it to be risky, could also mean in some instances soaring prices and mesmerizing returns on your investment in crypto.
Diversify your portfolio - Most traders in the current status of the world would still probably prefer to trade things they are more used to and considered to be safe bets like stocks and bonds. But, as any finance guru would tell you, always diversify your investment portfolio as much as you can in order to mitigate your risk factor, and that is where cryptocurrency comes in. So, Crypto trading does not have to completely supplant traditional platforms but can be a supplement instead.
Lower fees and faster transaction - In comparison to other investment alternatives, cryptocurrency incurs lower fees and also provides a much faster mechanism for transactions and money transfers; meaning that you don’t have to wait a couple of business days for transaction to come through when it is from another financial institution or go through tedious banking regulations when it is a big number sent overseas.
The Security - Being an undiscovered territory for regular people and even some governments, cryptocurrency has a bad reputation when it comes to security. In reality, Crypto trading has proven to be a safer option than other payment or trading platforms, as the chance of being a victim of crypto fraud or sharp practice remains slender, again contrary to popular belief.
The dependability factor - trading in cryptocurrency means that it’s your money and whether it will stay or disappear, it will depend on factors relevant to yourself and your choices. On the other hand, putting your money in the bank or any other financial institution for that regard, means that your fate or your money’s fate is tied to the bank’s; so if the bank goes bankrupt your money will most likely disappear. In addition to the dependability factor, not having to be tied to a BIG BRO institution makes cryptocurrency tools highly liquid in most times.
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