The Top Coins > Blog > Cryptocurrencies > Bitcoin > How Bitcoin May Have Failed as a Currency and How This Created a Pathway for a New Form of Digital Currency known as The Peoples Reserve (TPR).
                                             How Bitcoin May Have Failed as a Currency and How This Created a Pathway for a New Form of Digital Currency known as The Peoples Reserve (TPR).
                                                                                      How Bitcoin May Have Failed as a Currency and How This Created a Pathway for a New Form of Digital Currency known as The Peoples Reserve (TPR).

How Bitcoin May Have Failed as a Currency and How This Created a Pathway for a New Form of Digital Currency known as The Peoples Reserve (TPR).

01 Feb 2021


In the beginning, the Promise of Bitcoin was to offer…

  • An alternate form of currency.
  • A digital form of money.
  • A way to transact without needing a bank.



1) Transaction times – TOO SLOW.

2) Transaction costs – TOO HIGH.

3) TOO VOLATILE – (the value can swing dramatically)


- Just as dial-up Internet – showed us – What was possible.

- Just as Facebook – Replaced MySpace.

- Just as the iPhone – Replaced Nokia.

- Just as Google Replaced – Yahoo.

One Innovative Coin – just might – Take The Position of…


I’ll introduce you to TPR Shortly.

Before I do - It is important to understand…


So how is it worth over $30K USD Now?

Although Bitcoin was seen as too slow, too expensive, and too volatile to be a currency, as the mother coin of crypto, it has become valuable as a store of value.


Bitcoin Has Help Secured its Position as


The Idea of a Viable Form Digital Currency – With a Huge Vacancy

What Coin Can Become…

A Viable, Transactable – DIGITAL FORM OF CURRENCY?

I’ve always been moved by the notion that with the power of blockchain technology and digital currency – we can create a new economy that is built for the people.

It Seems to me – We prefer a viable form of independent currency…

The question then becomes…

- Can it be done?

- Can we reduce Transaction Costs?

- Can we increase Transaction Speeds?

And most importantly…

- Can we attempt to dissolve – THE VOLATILITY?

We believe that…


Let me explain it in really simple terms…

1) How Do We Solve – TOO SLOW…

- We just may be able to tap into the tech that gamers use for fast data speeds in blockchain gaming.

2) How Do We Solve – TOO EXPENSIVE – (transaction costs)

The reason for high transaction costs is congestion on the network. And that congestion is caused by a combination of increased usage but also slow transaction speed.

We can move to better technology and innovate. Please see reference to Permissioned Proof of stake (PPoS) technology in The TPR Whitepaper here… 

This helps us solve two of the three issues.

The big issue of possible Price Volatility, however remains.

3) How Do We Attempt To Solve – THE VOLATILITY ISSUE?

This is where it starts to get – VERY INTERESTING.

A few key points – for understanding and clarity…

1) Blockchain has shown us – A NEW ERA of Possibilities.

- We no longer need a third party to validate transactions.

These ideas have been well-established now, and they are the foundation of the confidence many have now in blockchain technology.

2) Although Bitcoin has issues with being a viable form of currency – it did show us another innovation we can learn from.

- The supply of Bitcoin gets cut in half every four years.

- We can’t cut the supply of oil in half.

- We can’t just shut down half the Gold mines in the world.

- We can’t just quickly cut the supply of anything.

- And yet, with the possibilities of Blockchain, Bitcoin has proven we can affect supply.


Blockchain Technology Allows Us To…


In other words, we can take a great idea, that adds value and add it to a coin simply by embedding it in the code - essentially Anchoring this value to the coin itself.

And so…

- As it relates to who will take the position as a Digital Currency.

- It is imperative to understand…

For The First Time Ever…

We Can - ANCHOR VALUE – right into a digital form of currency.

The only way that the supply of Bitcoin can be halved every four years is because that feature is embedded right into the coin’s code.

And we know the success of this because…

It’s already happened 3 times – for Bitcoin.

They actually call it - “The Halving”

Once again - which means that the supply is cut in half.

And this creates the gateway for a feature such as…

3) Anchored To --- THE LAST HIGHEST PRICE OF GOLD – (in the wallet)

To explain…

- We can increase transaction speed using PPoS.

- We can simultaneously reduce transaction costs with PPoS.


- We can anchor the value – by embedding this feature into the code.

And in my estimation… (Crypto Expert)

- If we just get a bit more innovative, we can indeed produce…

A Fast & Transactable – Form of Digital Currency…

That is Built For The People – That Gives Value back to the People.

This has already happened.

A new digital currency has been created – TPR - that…

1) Uses an Innovative form of PPoS = Transaction speeds at 2000/Second.

2) Uses this same form of PPoS – to simultaneously reduce transaction costs.


3) The Value of the Coin is – ANCHORED – To The Last Highest Price of Gold – (on the exchange)

- The Value of the Coin is NOT – Anchored - to the US Dollar.

- The Value of the Coin is NOT – Anchored – to the Price of Gold.

- The Value of the Coin is NOT – Backed By Gold.

The Value of the Coin – IS ANCHORED – to…


The Innovation Does Not Stop There, However…



#1) The Power of Compounding – FOR THE PEOPLE…


A CURRENCY – THAT COMPOUNDS – in the wallet - And gives this power of Compounding…

Back to The People.


How much stronger our world would be if we all…

Could tap into the power of COMPOUNDING…

-- This is now possible.

-- Through Blockchain – we can now access – The Power of Compounding.


As it relates to currency, including digital currency – Consensus is imperative to understand. The good news is simple to understand. I like to use this little analogy…
- If I were to hand you a $100 note – we’d both somehow agree that it is worth $100.

That $100 note is NOT “backed” by anything.

The only reason it has value – is because we agree to its value – at $100.

This is known as consensus. (agreement to the value - of a currency)

To further make this point…

If I were to now hand you a $10 note, somehow we will agree that that piece of paper is worth 10X less than the $100 note.


This only works because of agreement / Consensus.

Let’s now shift to Bitcoin…

- Why does it have the value it currently has?

Same idea…

- It is not backed by anything.


- Enough people see it now as a store of value – that it does indeed have value simply…


#3) How Business Owners Can Create Consensus For a Digital currency – (such as TPR)

We’ve been advised that…

For a currency – one of the best ways to show its value as a currency is to have business owners' accept it as a form of payment.


-- Business owners agree to accept a digital currency at a specific value


-- Holders of the coin agree to transact at that same value…

…Then there’d be consensus/agreement at that value.

Inevitably – for this to succeed – both parties have to feel confident and safe with the value of the digital currency before they could agree to its value.

This is one of the big reasons volatility has prevented Bitcoin from being seen as a viable currency. It just does have a volatility issue, making it nearly impossible for business owners to feel confident in it as a currency.

Further to this…

If a coin does achieve consensus (businesses and coin holders transacting at an agreed value) – then this coin has achieved tremendous credibility, in the form of what’s referred to as…

Use Case.

Use Case simply means – real-life use.

 In digital currency - this is used for any coin. The core question becomes… can you show the Use Case?

It's easy for a coin to present its purpose as a theory, but to actualize this purpose in real-life use – shows the reality – A real use for the coin – or an actualized Use Case.

In other words…

If you see a digital currency - (such as TPR)

- That is anchored on the exchange.

- That has consensus.

- That is actually be transacted between users and business owners.

…Then you may well be experiencing a breakthrough in Blockchain technology.

TPR already has hundreds of merchants accepting the coin for payment from users of the coin.

= Use Case Achieved

= Breakthrough in Digital Currency Already Available.

#4) An Innovation – That Answers the Question… “What’s Backing it?”

For some people…

When they see a coin present itself as a digital currency – they will ask…

“What’s backing it?”

This can seem like a very natural question because the money used to be backed by Gold, but it no longer is. Again, our money today is backed only by consensus.


If we are looking to achieve belief in a unique digital currency, we’d want to reduce as much hesitation as possible.

One way to answer the question would be…

- To back the coin with physical Gold.

The issue with that is two-fold…

1) It’s not such an innovative idea. Anyone could do it.

Since blockchain offers us new possibilities, it makes sense that there’d be a more innovative technology to access.

2) Backing a coin with Gold – could be seen as going right back into the old way of doing things.

Ideally, we’d find a currency that has consensus, that has found a way to be innovative.

The reason to consider Gold, however, is because it does have established value.

And so the perfect marriage between – utilizing the accepted value of Gold and this new era of possibilities we find ourselves in…

As mentioned earlier – On the exchange - We can ANCHOR the value of TPR to the last highest price of Gold.

And let’s add one more piece…


Working directly with TPR, we've helped to develop a new model.

Here's that explanation in brief…

As discussed – a digital currency derives its value from consensus and purpose (use case) As the TPR project evolved something notable was observed…

It became clear just how tied businesses were to fiat currency. IE: They were limited in their capacity to contribute to The New Economy based on the fiat cost to them to participate.

IE: The cost of labour, overhead, wholesale costs etc.

As a team, TPR got together to brainstorm what could be done to help this.

A key distinction was uncovered…

We want to make something available for TPR that is Universal.

Something everyone spends fiat currency on.

- The obvious answer was – FOOD.

- The next question was - how do we make food available for TPR?

- We need food from Farmers so what if we help Farmers – SAVE MONEY.

The idea being that if Farmers are offered the opportunity to save money – they then could take that cash savings to help absorb overhead costs and then be ion a stronger position to make food available for TPR.

- And the TPR team has done this.

Leading the way…

Helping to find open-minded farmers who love the idea and want to participate and helping them save money on overhead costs like power and labour etc.

This is strong evidence of the commitment of TPR to…

- Not just be a digital asset.

- Not just be a transactable digital currency.

- Go beyond even being an advanced digital currency with numerous features.


- To also be proactive in the support of Farmers, essential practitioners and business owners also in a very hands-on. And innovative way


Test author

Written by Test author
on 01 Feb 2021

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  • avatar
    Cyril Sansano 3 years ago
    Eye opening!
  • avatar
    Nathan mager 3 years ago
    Bitcoin is not a currency. This new coin is actually setup to be a currency. Helping people to change the way they use there money and time.
  • avatar
    That is amazing! Just what we need and what we've been looking for!
  • avatar
    Kirra Collins 3 years ago
    WOW! This is a great article, it makes so much sense. Thank you so much for explaining it in such a simple and understandable way! Absolutely ready to be a part of a new economy! Excited for this opportunity!
  • avatar
    Alison McLean 3 years ago
  • avatar
    Kristal Margrie 3 years ago
    This makes is so much easier to understand! Definitely helps to explain the power behind crypto, and how we're in an exciting time.
  • avatar
    Sarah Price 3 years ago
    Thanks so much for this! I love when things are explained in a way that’s easy to grasp and understand! To say I’m excited to be part of a new economy would be an understatement!!
  • avatar
    Aaron daymond 3 years ago
  • avatar
    Great article, the wave is coming, a cashless society with banks no longer getting rich off our money, a coin for the people to benefit the people has been a long time coming, a real redistribution of wealth that enables us all to be in abundance.
  • avatar
    Nyck Jeanes 3 years ago
    Great summary of a very innovative project. Thanks
  • avatar
    Michelle Kennedh 3 years ago
    Such a well written article. Makes perfect sense.
  • avatar
    Teresa Fisk 3 years ago
    Amazing 🙌🏻
  • avatar
    Holly Koroheke 3 years ago
    TTC. Blows my mind every time. Amazing
  • avatar
    Tracey Brown 3 years ago
    As someone who is very new to the crypto world, I found this article so easy to understand and I love that there is a new way out there.....that we are in that new era of possibilities!!! Yes to that! I’m super excited for the future!!
  • avatar
    Felicity 3 years ago
    Thank you for explaining this in such an easy to understand way. I just kept putting off understanding it because it was ‘too hard’ so thanks!
  • avatar
    Kim Brown 3 years ago
    Great article to really explain crypto currency and what it means to the people. Thank you!
  • avatar
    Andrea Fox 3 years ago
    Thanks for this great info! Excited for this project!
  • avatar
    Steven Hord 3 years ago
    How exciting, the prospect of using a NEW currency for the people. Well done and looking forward to seeing and participating in TPR’s evolvement 👍😊
  • avatar
    Glenn Twiddle 3 years ago
    This article is being looked at from the future right now. History in the making
  • avatar
    This article is eye opening. This is cutting edge innovation. About time there is something that gives back to the people instead of all the profits going to the big institutions. Well done to the creators of this
  • avatar
    Financial Remedy! Creating viable options and cutting out the middle man.. we love blockchain! Breaking it down to bite size pieces 🙏🏽
  • avatar
    Brendan Manansala 3 years ago
    Excited to have a case use currency for the future of a new economy!
  • avatar
    Katharina Keil 3 years ago
    Great article and makes it really easy to understand. Best investment I’ve ever done.
  • avatar
    This is a really good explanation! Puts things into perspective regarding the change of scenery that is taking place in the monetary system worldwide. Really looking forward to see this coin take off. We need this new economy!
  • avatar
    Robin Hallmqn 3 years ago
    So true for me too.
  • avatar
    Sharyn McKay 3 years ago
    Love this explanation. Makes so much sense and love that there is a coin for the people. Thank
  • avatar
    This is a great article! Very true!
  • avatar
    Mooney Brooke 3 years ago
    Thank you
  • avatar
    Shaz Bates 3 years ago
    This is great, thank you. Love it. I’m so excited to be part of a new economy!
  • avatar
    Anna Obodin 3 years ago
    Wow great article! Easy to understand!
  • avatar
    Te Arau Marsh 3 years ago
  • avatar
    Kat Lechner 3 years ago
    Such a great read! So excited for this!!
  • avatar
    Thomas Cunliffe 3 years ago
    Due to the classification by USA IRS, large corporations are now using Bitcoins market volatility to manipulate profit n loss and their share price. Bitcoin is not for the people...
  • avatar
    Nicola Chung 3 years ago
    This is so clear why bitcoin didn't work as a new currency. I'm excited to see this alternative currency learning from those mistakes and ACTUALLY coming into fruition! Awesome.
  • avatar
    Amazing info and blessed to be a part of this project.
  • avatar
    Beau Craig 3 years ago
  • avatar
    Zeiola wrighg 3 years ago
    Finally direction that will change the way we do money life and for the people. So excited for this
  • avatar
    Kelly Boucher 3 years ago
    Such an interesting read! It makes sense to think in other ways in response to a rapidly changing economic world.
  • avatar
    Adam Smith 3 years ago
    Brilliant Shaun Clarke and thank you.
  • avatar
    Colleen Dooley 3 years ago
    What a great article! Not only is it clear and easy to understand, it points out just how incredible this coin and new economy is!
  • avatar
    Amy Nugent 3 years ago
    Amazing 🙌
  • avatar
    The use of technology with compassion and community to create something that benefits all people is inspiring! I've been watching the crypto space for years waiting for something to come along that significantly challenges the power of the big banks.... this is it!
    • avatar
      Daniel Anyanwu 1 year ago
      You can give me a private text for more info on how this will help you+1•9•1•3•3•0•3•9•5•2•6✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
  • avatar
    Great article and summary! Thank you
  • avatar
    Steve Anthony 3 years ago
    A new economy, for the people is exactly what we need. This is amazing and explained perfectly.
  • avatar
    Steven Goodier 3 years ago
    This is something I have dreamed of for many years. Beyond excited to be a part of the explosion onto the world arena and to take back our abundance and sovereignty. Bitcoin has been taken over by the banksters and mega wealthy. Not for the people. We are for the people. A fully functioning economy. HERE WE ARE, AND HERE WE COME
    • avatar
      Steven Goodier 3 years ago
      Each day, becoming clearer and more excited. The future is here, and now, with TPR
      • avatar
        Daniel Anyanwu 1 year ago
        Do you want to trade global financial markets but don’t know what instrument to start with? Trade CFDs on 30 cryptocurrency pairs––enjoy faster trading, competitive conditions, and more, WhatsApp +𝟏𝟗𝟏𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟑𝟗𝟓𝟐𝟔
  • avatar
    Jacqueline Holden 3 years ago
    Thankyou for the full explanation making it understandable for me - so excited to be part of this
  • avatar
    Laura Kurton 3 years ago
    This is incredible information! I will be looking into this further. Thank you
  • avatar
    Awesome exciting stuff!
  • avatar
    Annie Slater 3 years ago
    You had me at “the power of compounding - for the people”
  • avatar
    Lisa Foggon 3 years ago
    Very interesting article, so eye opening. I can't wait to see the HUGE positive impact the new currency will have!
  • avatar
    Andrew Gordon 3 years ago
    What an amazing vision! And such incredible innovation! Excited to be behind this vision and coin. What a world awaits us all with creations like this! Thanks to everyone involved in bringing this to life!
  • avatar
    Szabolcs Veres 3 years ago
    Great article !
  • avatar
    So much valuable information for making decisions about financial future. Impressive.
  • avatar
    Sharyn Greenaway 3 years ago
    Finally, a true coin for the people! The promise of a New Economy is being delivered by The People’s this space 💥💥💥
  • avatar
    Cindy Cerecer 3 years ago
    Wow!!! What a read! Eyes wide open now.
  • avatar
    Kell Mades 3 years ago
    A new economy - FOR the people, I can’t wait! Not long now...
  • avatar
    Meredith Rose 3 years ago
    This is SO inspiring and exciting, and such a helpful article for me. Thank you so much; watching & participating eagerly!
  • avatar
    Love love love! I am excited to be part of this! Great explanation too!!
  • avatar
    Marie Xerri 3 years ago
    Great blog - clear and concise.. An anchored coin for the people!! One that does not cause heart palpitations through volatility- brilliant. Such exciting times ahead and so happy to be a part of this new economy. Well done to the innovative team behind this.
  • avatar
    Simon Smith 3 years ago
    Brilliantly said. A currency that compounds and gives the power of compounding back to the people. We all need fruition of this in our life. Truth
  • avatar
    Rick Moore 3 years ago
    Great stuff!
  • avatar
    Courtney 3 years ago
    Very well put together & easily digestible for a noobie over here. Many thanks! So excited for The New Economy!
  • avatar
    Krystal Hille 3 years ago
    I am so excited by what is being presented here and how it can impact the lives of all those who jump in now!
  • avatar
    Maryanne Oakley 3 years ago
    So excited for the future :)
  • avatar
    Ken j lindqvist 3 years ago
    I love this article, explains a lot even though my understanding for it all is limited.
  • avatar
    Gerry Bremner 3 years ago
    2021 is the year in which transactional crypto currency comes of age and TPR will be the first mover
  • avatar
  • avatar
    Exciting times
  • avatar
    Jacqueline Holden 3 years ago
    Since listening to this a few weeks ago I now have an even better understanding of how epic and special this is. Huge thanks to the genius who has put all this together.
  • avatar
    Thanks so much! Wow!!!
  • avatar
    Magic Barclay 3 years ago
    What a great innovation, fantastic range of merchants and a vibrant economy supported by vibrant people.
  • avatar
    Chris Legrange 3 years ago
    Great to be a part of this epic new cryptocurrency! Ground breaking technology, economic model and business system!!
  • avatar
    Chris Legrange 3 years ago
    Great to be a part of this epic new cryptocurrency! Ground breaking technology, economic model and business system!!
  • avatar
    Emma-Lea McKay 3 years ago
    The future is here! Exciting times!
  • avatar
    Claire Flynn 3 years ago
    Such a great article, it explains a lot, this is amazing!
  • avatar
    Tilo Sundman 3 years ago
  • avatar
    Jay Hoad 3 years ago
    Yes the new economy is here!!
  • avatar
    Cyril Sansano 3 years ago
    "The Crown Jewel of Crypto"... NICE! Love it!
  • avatar
    Insightful and honest.
  • avatar
    Jackson Greenaway 3 years ago
  • avatar
    Brendan Manansala 3 years ago
    Wow - a new way of thinking happy to be here early
  • avatar
    Inspiring !!!
  • avatar
    Very interesting read, makes some valid points
  • avatar
    Philip Walker 3 years ago
    Good read
  • avatar
    Paul-Rene Archer 3 years ago
    Great Article, really helped me understand crypto.
  • avatar
    This is awesome!!
  • avatar
  • avatar
    Hands on Healing Vic 3 years ago
    Magic. A new economy for the people - Woohoo!!
  • avatar
    Peter Jamieson 3 years ago
    Great artical
  • avatar
    Karen Hughes 3 years ago
    Fantastic article and so well explained! So excited to be a part of this new economy!
  • avatar
    Nyck Jeanes 3 years ago
    The transformation of the planet to a more equitable and empowered world and economy is clearly NOT served by Bitcoin. TPR is going to help change the world.
  • avatar
    Ah now there's some insight! Great article....
  • avatar
    Have read this a couple of times now , first its helping me to understand the crypto language, and second i can now get a sense of how exciting it is to be onboard with a crypto that has its driving principle as being FOR THE PEOPLE .... this is so in alignment for me ... cant wait to share with my family and friends !!!! YAAAAAAY TPR
  • avatar
    Bill Kellner-Read 3 years ago
    Just fascinating to see how things are changing and being with the people who get this and are prepared to make such a massive shift.
  • avatar
    Robyn Senden 3 years ago
    Very informative
  • avatar
    Jacki scroggie 3 years ago
    Great article, thanks for the laymens explanation. Love it!
  • avatar
    Mike Colquhoun 3 years ago
    Bitcoin won't work, far too volatile, amazing content
  • avatar
    Jean Stasse 3 years ago
    For the children! Yes!
  • avatar
    can't wait tom get away from the banks that hold you to ransom
  • avatar
    Kerrod Walters 3 years ago
    Thanks great info. Crypto is the future that's for sure. Sick of the banks getting rich on my money!
  • avatar
    Colin Lim 3 years ago
    This is amazing ! Finally we can move away from the greedy banks and institutes serving the very few. Thank you so much !
  • avatar
    Brooke Mooney 3 years ago
    Couldnt be more excited for this.
  • avatar
    Alexandra 3 years ago
    this is a great post!!
  • avatar
    Very interesting reading
  • avatar
    Ann Megalla 3 years ago
    power of crypto. Dynamite!
  • avatar
    This is great info!
  • avatar
    So grateful for this..
  • avatar
    I want to shout it from the roof tops !! This is the way the world is going !!
  • avatar
    Claire Flynn 3 years ago
    Such great infomation!
  • avatar
    Alison McLean 3 years ago
    backed backed backed well played team!
  • avatar
    Mind Blowing! Exciting times!
  • avatar
    Holly Koroheke 3 years ago
    This is more and more phenomenal by the week
  • avatar
    Shaz Bates 3 years ago
    Read this again. Love the compounding, so cool
  • avatar
    Melita Tarrant 3 years ago
    Very Excited to see the possibilities that a stable coin can provide
  • avatar
    Jean Constance Stasse 3 years ago
    This is so level!!!
  • avatar
    I joined TPR as soon as I learned of it!
  • avatar
    Kayla Bulluss 3 years ago
    Such a life changer !
  • avatar
    Kirsty A Urwin 3 years ago
    The more I learn the more excited I am about this coin!!
  • avatar
    Jean Jansen van Rensburg 3 years ago
    Everyone needs to read this
  • avatar
    Lucas Koroheke 3 years ago
    So easy to understand. It was all well over my head. Totally get it now
  • avatar
    Most exciting thing ever
  • avatar
    Brooke Mooney 3 years ago
    Everyine needs to jump on board this is so exciting
  • avatar
    Ken j lindqvist 3 years ago
    To have read this a second time makes it so much clearer. I totally get it.
  • avatar
    Jean Jansen van Rensburg 3 years ago
    Amzing read
  • avatar
    Brandon Luu 3 years ago
    Look forward to be a merchant during this time! Wow amazing
  • avatar
    Jacki scroggie 3 years ago
    This is the New Coin for the people
  • avatar
    This is great
  • avatar
    Ella Goninan 3 years ago
    So inspiring to hear about this! Super keen to learn more :)
  • avatar
    Ann Megalla 3 years ago
    That is amazing! Just what we need and what we've been looking for!
  • avatar
    Meredith Rose 3 years ago
    I am incredibly excited to see a new way unfolding, and WORKING, to help carry us into the future in these changing times!!
  • avatar
    Peter Lawson 3 years ago
    Crypto is the new way of currency TPR is the new way to buy
  • avatar
    Krystal Hille 3 years ago
    This is eye-opening and so exciting for what the future holds!
  • avatar
    Jay Hoad 3 years ago
    This is so amazing and such a great group of people 💜
  • avatar
    Super excited for my TPR to hit my wallet and smash the new economy!!
  • avatar
    This is amazing!! Everything my family has been looking for
  • avatar
    Lucas Koroheke 3 years ago
    Thanks for this great info! Excited for this project!
  • avatar
    Lisa Foggon 3 years ago
    So so interesting and eye opening!! I cannot wait for the new economy for the people.
  • avatar
    Gregg Chapman 3 years ago
    Fantastic! After dabbling in various crypto currencies over the years. The frustrating experience is they fluctuate like crazy. TPR is stable and is actually trading as a currency.
  • avatar
    Medha Murtagh 3 years ago
    The world needs a new money system! Yay!
  • avatar
    Mike Colquhoun 3 years ago
    Amazing stuff, really exciting, sounds perfect
  • avatar
    James Clark 3 years ago
    Here is an honest look at what makes a real digital currency
  • avatar
    Michelle V Femia 3 years ago
    So amazing ... Love this.. exactly what I was looking for ...
  • avatar
    Kirra Collins 3 years ago
    Great Blog Post :) Clear, Concise and to the point! A new economy is emerging and I am here for it!
  • avatar
    Philip Walker 3 years ago
    I got both bitcoin and have this too :)
  • avatar
    Colin Lim 3 years ago
    TPR the best stable coin in the world. This is the future .... This is the way.
  • avatar
    Super awesome and insightful article!
  • avatar
    Razzearne 3 years ago
    I cant help but find myself talking and sharing this with all my Friends and family.... the way of the future!!! Its coming
  • avatar
    Kell Mades 3 years ago
    I keep reading over this and understanding and clarity is like a light bulb 💡
  • avatar
    Wendy Parker 3 years ago
    Great info, education is these times is so valuable!
  • avatar
    Annette Jones 3 years ago
    This is soooo exciting!!!
  • avatar
    Andrew speers 3 years ago
    Crypto is the future! Loved how this article explains it!
  • avatar
    Karlinda Suffolk 3 years ago
    What??? Potenta is huge! Future is now!
  • avatar
    Bill Kellner- Read 3 years ago
    It is so happening in the market right now, amazing.
  • avatar
    Daniel Bissaker 3 years ago
    I am just so grateful to be a part of this incredible community and know that this is the future. Biggest thank you team
  • avatar
    Chelsea stmarie 3 years ago
    Absolutely amazing! So glad to be apart of this !!!
  • avatar
    Chelsea stmarie 3 years ago
    Absolutely amazing! So glad to be apart of this !!!
  • avatar
    Such an amazing read and such an exciting time with TPR!
  • avatar
    Laura Kurton 3 years ago
    this is amazing. So excited about this.
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    Tracey Brown 3 years ago
    I’m loving learning more and more about this coin....and what this opportunity is bringing for the future!
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    Julian Moore 3 years ago
    This is a Great article and makes it really easy to understand. Best investment I’ve ever seen and creating a pivotal time in history. Reply
  • avatar
    Amazing article!!
  • avatar
    Since I last popped in, I was just reminded about how many great developments have happened, that were mind blowing, life changing developments. How many ti timesmes have we missed out? Not this time
  • avatar
    Since I last popped in, I was just reminded about how many great developments have happened, that were mind blowing, life changing developments. How many ti timesmes have we missed out? Not this time
  • avatar
    I can't wait to have a new functional currency more widely accepted!
  • avatar
    Susie Hill 3 years ago
    So excited for this!!!
  • avatar
    Coralie Daffy 3 years ago
    Great explanation
  • avatar
    Sammi Zajko 3 years ago
    Wow! So eye-opening ! THIS is the future! Thank you for explaining this!
  • avatar
    Karen Hughes 3 years ago
    Yay!! This is the most exciting thing ever!! Mind blowing!!
  • avatar
    Me: Sue Flaxten 3 years ago
    Had to read again, great article full of info
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    Gregg Chapman 3 years ago
    I am excited to finally have a crypto linked to the highest value of gold. It always go up!!
  • avatar
    Kishan Patel 3 years ago
    Very intriguing, great article
  • avatar
    Steven Budd 3 years ago
    Right time, right place. For the people. Building a new economy.
  • avatar
    Annie Slater 3 years ago
    So true... Bitcoin is paved the way, this coin will help people in so many more ways, freedom for the people - no sweeter outcome!
  • avatar
    Ella Goninan 3 years ago
    So fantastic - empowering!
  • avatar
    Chelsea StMarie 3 years ago
    I am so grateful for this! TY!!!
  • avatar
    Robin Hallman 3 years ago
    Really good article. You just cant use Bitcoin outside the fiat system.
  • avatar
    Peter Lawson 3 years ago
    With the world finance system failing, Crypto like TPR will be the only way to buy and spend
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    Marnie Iudica 3 years ago
    i love this breakdown on a subject that is often misunderstood! so excited to look into this.
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    Anna Sangeet 3 years ago
    Such a great article. Thank you!
  • avatar
    Kevin Bird 3 years ago
    The change is coming
  • avatar
    Ashleigh 3 years ago
    So excited to see the future of currency trading happening right now
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    Charmaine amaba 3 years ago
    This is so exciting! Excited for this to blow up!
  • avatar
    Fantastic info
  • avatar
    Wow Wow Wow!!
  • avatar
    This is so exciting!
  • avatar
    I've just read this article interesting!!
  • avatar
    Simone A Smith 3 years ago
    Fantastic stuff!
  • avatar
    Ben Jennings 3 years ago
    The way of the future
  • avatar
    Voin Kaisarevic 3 years ago
    Life changing!!!
  • avatar
    Emma Purcell 3 years ago
  • avatar
    Rebbecca Luxford 3 years ago
    Explained in such a great easy to understand way !! Love it. Thank you
  • avatar
    Melita Tarrant 3 years ago
    Can definitely agree with this article. Bitcoin way to volatile and to slow to complete transactions!
  • avatar
    Sammi Zajko 3 years ago
    I am so excited to hear about TPR. More and more everyday, my understanding of this amazing new economy is growing. It is happening! Change is coming!
  • avatar
    Charmaine Amaba 3 years ago
    TPR is the future!!!
  • avatar
    Ben Jennings 3 years ago
    Way of the future
  • avatar
    Frances Foster 3 years ago
    Great info for a newbie to read.
  • avatar
    Queenscliff Brewhouse 3 years ago
    Compelling article, amazing to be part of this.
  • avatar
    Daniel Bissaker 3 years ago
    This is a dream coming true and it is so real!
  • avatar
    Joanna Turner 3 years ago
    Yay! Excited to be here!!! 🤩🤩🤩💰💰💰🚀🚀🚀
  • avatar
    Kyle hope 3 years ago
    How amazing to have a coin that is anchored to the last highest price of gold, this will be an amazing feature moving forward
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    Annette Jones 3 years ago
    Triple validation!!! It’s the best thing ever!!!
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    Nina Hudson 3 years ago
    Amazing new economy with a stable coin!
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    Kerry Frankland 3 years ago
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    Amy Nugent 3 years ago
    Makes so much sense. Excited to be a part of the evolution of crypto!!!
  • avatar
    Kevin Bird 3 years ago
    A chance to take control of our future
  • avatar
    Ben Jennings 3 years ago
    Transactable stable currency It’s real it’s happening 😊
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    Ryan Wolters 3 years ago
    Exactly what I have been looking for!
  • avatar
    Best crypto ever for the people for the world for everyone
  • avatar
    TPR is showing the way!
  • avatar
    This coin is one of pure abundance which is such a breath of fresh air with a lot of other cryptos based on scarcity
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    Kristy Pasalich 3 years ago
    This is amazing! It’s what the people need
  • avatar
    Kristy Pasalich 3 years ago
    Fantastic article. Well explained. Excited for this opportunity
  • avatar
    Emmajane 3 years ago
    This is so great!
  • avatar
    Really interesting read
  • avatar
    Nina Hudson 3 years ago
    Awesome community with a stable coin for a new economy!
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    Ari Barclay 3 years ago
    Mum, told me about this coin. As a young adult and confused by the woes of the cash economy, I am so excited to see TPR grow and become a leading economy.
  • avatar
    keith brown 3 years ago
    The new future of trding
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    Nathaniel Wareing 3 years ago
    I can’t wait to start a new way of life
  • avatar
    Justina Casuarina 3 years ago
    Amazing! This is so exciting!, and so needed.
  • avatar
    Having someone to break this down and bring some light to the crypto space is amazing. Thanks for your work!
  • avatar
    Thekra Hanna 3 years ago
    Super excited
  • avatar
    Nicki Thomson 3 years ago
    This is seriously the most amazing thing that is going on this year!!
  • avatar
    Kristy Pasalich 3 years ago
    Fantastic article. Well explained. Excited for this opportunity!
  • avatar
    Ryan Wolters 3 years ago
    Cheers to TPR!
  • avatar
    Nathaniel Wareing 3 years ago
    So fascinating
  • avatar
    Nikki Civitarese 3 years ago
    Bitcoin is NOT a stable coin!!! This article outlines this, its ineffecient and slow
  • avatar
    Really insightful article! Makes so much sense & love how this has been outlined here. Excited to watch this all unfold!
  • avatar
    Michelle V Femia 3 years ago
    totally blows my mind and has transformed my life .. So much Gratitude x
  • avatar
    Fantastic - especially relevant with what is happening in the global economy right now.
  • avatar
    Coralie Daffy 3 years ago
    So exciting, the way of the future
  • avatar
    greg moore 3 years ago
  • avatar
    The world needs this exactly. My partner and I have been waiting for this amazing news forever! Go TPR!
  • avatar
    Brilliant explanation of future
  • avatar
    so grateful and so excited
  • avatar
    Sarah Rooks 3 years ago
    An informative, inspiring read. And an exciting future!
  • avatar
    Merrilee 3 years ago
  • avatar
    What perfect timing for such an amazing new economy to rise! So grateful to be part of it!
  • avatar
    A stable coin... life changing!! world changing!!! love this
  • avatar
    John smith 3 years ago
    Yes! what an interesting read. thank you
  • avatar
    Voin Kaiser 3 years ago
    This is so exciting!! We are literally crossing the road into abundance like we’ve never known before... TPR is the answer!!!
  • avatar
    Kyle hope 3 years ago
    To be on the forefront of the beginning of a new economy is an incredible place to stand, with the US looking to transition to a digital currency, the world will follow suit
  • avatar
    Shaa Taylor 3 years ago
    This is fantastic! I am so up for a new economy, one that actually benefits the people. What a mind blowing simple and awesome thing to do. Power to the people! Great work TPR.
  • avatar
    Alex Leigh 3 years ago
    WOW! thank you for the clear breakdown. Definitely an exciting time of global and individual transformation in multiple arenas. We need a strong currency and economy built by and for the people. TPR seems to be a solution to challenging the power of big banks and the debt based financial system. Empowering people through economic freedom and an authentic purpose based community
  • avatar
    This is amazing, our abundant future in the making!
  • avatar
    Thank you for this gift to humanity 💗
  • avatar
    Brandon Luu 3 years ago
    The idea of compounding is mind blowing! Finally the transfer to the people :)
  • avatar
    Alexandra 3 years ago
    I'm so grateful to be a part of this economy!! :)
  • avatar
    Insane. What an opportunity we are being given here. Absolutly amazing so very blessed to be part of this community
  • avatar
    Kat Lechner 3 years ago
    So exciting!!! 😀
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    Charmaine amaba 3 years ago
    This is so valuable. People need to know about this.
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    Amanda Stanford 3 years ago
    I've never had much of a natural interest towards money and finances before but something about TPR has drawn me in. Perhaps because of the potential it holds for the people.
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    Robyn Mckellar 3 years ago
    Interesting article 🙌🙌
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    Robyn Mckellar 3 years ago
    Interesting article 🙌🙌
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    Amanda Gorgone 3 years ago
    Totally agree with everything you have said. Bitcoin is a volatile and unstable coin that has become more of an investment than a currency. Excited to be apart of this heart centered community
  • avatar
    Kim Brown 3 years ago
    Thanks for a great article!
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    Elise Zanoni 3 years ago
    Very interesting
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    Gerry Bremner 3 years ago
    There has to be a new monetary system by the people for the people. A people’s global currency that is secure, robust and which returns compounding interest directly to the people. This will help people all over the world to share in the global wealth created by their endeavours equitably.This is the True Great Reset.. The People’s Reserve (TPR)is the right currency at the right time for the right reasons.
  • avatar
    SJ Campbell 3 years ago
    Woah, such a compelling article. Such an easy conception of volatility and why it just simply can't be a currency for the people. Brin on the New Era of stability for the people!
  • avatar
    Amazing. Thank you.
  • avatar
    Zeiola Wright 3 years ago
    The way in which we do life is changing this is super exciting, a real eye opener! Grateful to be apart of this !
  • avatar
    Great article.
  • avatar
    Tiaho-Whetu Ford 3 years ago
  • avatar
    Tiaho-Whetu Ford 3 years ago
  • avatar
    Alexandra Favero 3 years ago
    A new economy, for the people by the people
  • avatar
    Rob Oakley 3 years ago
    a great informative article , a must read
  • avatar
    What a time to be alive! So excited and grateful to be a part of this new era!
  • avatar
    Alana Manion 3 years ago
    Amazing, exciting and am ready
  • avatar
    Wow wee. An awesome read 👌🏻 Makes perfect sense.
  • avatar
    Hands on Healing Vic 3 years ago
    Amazing article. Clear, concise and written in plain English. Exciting times ahead. A new economy for the people giving back to the people.
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