We all wish we'd have had the foresight - to have bought Bitcoin at $1,000 or even $100.
Being able to see the value of Bitcoin now back then would have required great foresight as the industry was so
new, regulatory and many factors quite uncertain.
Now however the ability to see where crypto is headed is much easier and with foresight I believe the gains can
be just as big (only easier and quicker to realise)
Which brings me to my coin - in simple terms...
It doesn't take long to start seeing the evolution of crypto to filling the currency spot is well underway.
What's exciting is to consider having the foresight to see the coin that "has done it" - pieced together all the requirements to fill the void and take the pole position as a readily transactable currency in cryptocurrency.
It actually is that simple...
The issue there is....
Having that foresight and being an early adopter as would have been required to buy Bitcoin at $1,000 or $100.